You Grow Inside a FishTank
Single channel video
Digital / Color
Earth is a planet of water and the only one in the solar system that has oceans. Without water, chemical reactions would not have progressed, and life would not have emerged. However, Austrian philosopher and social critic Ivan Illich, in his book H2O and the Waters of Forgetfulness, stated that "water once possessed a mystical power to wash away spiritual impurities, but in the world we live in today, it has lost that power and is now regarded merely as H2O—a resource for industry and technology."
Water is life itself and remains deeply connected to humans, yet we often forget its essential meaning. Still, water is a shared element of life, and humans are inherently part of it.
In this work, water is metaphorically treated as the subconscious, while the water tank represents the physical body. This project attempts to metaphysically interpret "existence" through the relationship between water and humans. The water inside the tank symbolizes the subconscious, which can be clouded by contact with the external world. Through this lens, the project raises questions such as "What is water?", "What is the water tank?", and "What is the being nurtured within it?"—ultimately visualizing the interconnected relationship between consciousness and the body in coexistence.